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Rotterdam Festivals has developed the Cultural Segmentation Model. The cultural sector and the municipality of Rotterdam have joined forces to reach their goal: reaching as many people through art and culture events. By working closely together, the organisations are empowered: building a strong brand and becoming well-connected with their audience. This collaboration required insights about the audience, which is why Rotterdam Festivals has developed the Cultural Segmentation Model. Every month, cultural organisations can visit the online consultation (half an) hour to ask questions about market research, collecting visitors’ data or the Cultural Segmentation Model.


At Rotterdam Festivals we truly want EVERYONE – young or old, poor or rich, a citizen from Rotterdam or not, highly educated or practically trained, living in the Netherlands or abroad – to be able to enjoy the festivals and art & culture events in the city of Rotterdam. This is why Rotterdam Festivals compiles a calendar of events every year. There is always something to enjoy for everyone. You will be amazed and you will feel: YES, this is Rotterdam.


What’s more, we also encourage everyone from Rotterdam and beyond to take part in cultural events in the city. We research the needs and wishes of our audience and we support cultural organisations to reach their audience. Our brand Uitagenda Rotterdam lets as many people as possible know about what is happening in the city in terms of art & culture events. Rotterdam Festivals knows the city very well indeed: the audience, festival organisers and cultural institutions. We are making Rotterdam better and stronger. With each other. For everyone!